This is most a quick reference to budget gun buyers. In the time of writing most gun prices have gone up on the market by fairly large amounts (on average of anywhere between 30% and 50% markup). These guns however due to their design, ammo type, and manufacturer tended to avoid this markup. I mainly focus on revolvers, this is mainly due to my knowledge of these guns and not because these are the only guns I endorse. Any gun is better than no gun. The goal for this guide is if you can find this gun consistently for under average cost so anyone can make a budget to buy a gun along with the ammo over the course of 30 days, it should be on the list. Most of these guns can be purchased along with the (Current) price of ammo within if you were to budget as little as $50 - $100 a weekly pay-check for 1 month. (Most of these guns I currently own, have owned, or at the very least have a lot of experience with).
Altor (The Joke) |
"Altor Single Round .380ACP" + "Altor Single Round 9mm" |
(~$100) |
These guns are 100% a meme. Not good for anything but the backyard. MAYBE if you need to off someone in the back of the head, take this thing apart and toss it in the nearest river.> |
Heritage (Taurus Heritage) |
"Rough Rider 6RD .22LR / .22WMR" |
(~$130) |
I want to start, I love these guns. I own 3 myself and use them almost once a week easily. The Rough Rider (and its other barrel length variants 16" and 2") all are Single Action Army .22 and with a easy swap of a cylinder can also fire .22WMR. The cylinders can be ordered on Heritage's site and cost about (~$30) or are included with your purchase of this revolver. Easy to fire, take apart, and understand the mechanics of. Outside of my EDC, this is my favorite Fun-Gun. |
Cobra Firearms (Pocket Protection) |
"CB38 Big Bore Derringer .38 Special" + "CB9CB Big Bore Derringer 9mm" |
(~$140) |
A derringer is a term used for any modern, small sized (3" or smaller), handgun that does not conform to the standard revolver or semi-automatic design. These twin barrel single (or double) action guns are the best budget pocket carry. Form fit to a front pant or jacket pocket can be the perfect side arm for when you are entering a (No Guns) area. These models do pack a kick due to the size and caliber, so your wrist and palm might be a tad sore after unloading your rounds. |
Hi Point (Low Quality) |
"916 C-9 8+1 9MM" + "JHP45 9+1 .45ACP +P" |
(~$180) |
If a semi automatic if more your speed, I would (while with some caveats) recommend these guns. I mention low quality because quality control for Hi Point is not their main concern. It will fire when the trigger is pulled, parts are cheap and plentiful, and repairs are simple. But these guns are a wash of odd and end issues, whether it be a feeding issue, spring, or screw. If you want to go bang on a budget and don't plan to do much else. These may be the guns for you. |
Rossi (The Trainer) |
"RS22 .22LR 10+1" |
(~$130) |
Walk into any Walmart hunting section and you are sure to see at least 6 of these in the hunting section (similar price). This is everyone's first training rifle. Something you would possibly buy your kid for their first hunting trip or plinking session. These guns are solid small game and fun shooting. Self defense maybe not so much. But a must have for any home just to keep for pesky squirrels and skunks. |
American Tactical (1 and Done) |
"Nomad 410GA, 12GA, 20GA" |
(~$100) |
If you need a 1 and done gun for fun, these guns can be found sub $100. This is my preferred alternative to the Altor joke. Made for hiking and truck-bed hunting. These guns are made well, cheaper than a carton of smokes, and easy to shoot. If you want to a shotgun but don't want to stress owning a shotgun, buy one of these, lock and load it, and keep it by your side. |
Rock Island Armory (The Elmer Fudd) |
"Traditional Break Open 20GA" + "TK104 Traditional Break Open .410GA" + "CR103 Meriva Standard Pump 12GA" |
(~$150) |
The bedroom boomer, This is a great discount hunting shotgun for small game as well as home defense. Keep the box of shells on a nightstand in these shotguns mounted on your bedroom wall to bump back anything that may come knocking. Fun to shoot, easy to clean, and if you are in the market for a shotgun, these won't break the bank for quality / cost. |
Outside of this list. I also want to add my own personal EDC.
Taurus (Your Hatred Gives Me Power) |
"Judge" + "Public Defender" |
(~400) |
Taurus promotes the Judge and Public Defender as a self-defense tool against carjacking and for home protection... ITS NOT. If you know about this gun, you most likely HATE this gun, this 410GA + 45LC 5 shot revolver is a Frankenstein's Monster that fires neither of it's advertised rounds well. Its too big to carry reasonably, drops accuracy beyond 30 yards. The spread of the 410 is too wide to be practical, and the 45LC will kill anything it hits (IF IT HITS. And also the thing behind it), all because of the odd 1.25" bore this revolver sports. SO WHY would I ever carry this meme? Well because it's actually a pretty good gun for the cost and its a conversation starter for people who are no-guns or might be looking for something different or unique. I carry this gun while camping, hiking, in my car, and my home. The weight can be a turn off, but with a good gun belt, I don't mind. While outdoors I carry 410 and while indoors I carry 45LC. This gun due to the criticism can often be found well below average asking price. Parts are everywhere, and the sheer ridiculousness of it, turns off most buyers. Its size will make anything it's pointed at, shit the bed. Kills small game like a charm, is fun to shoot, and looks beastly. This has been my carry gun since its younger brother, the Public Defender, was released. Its fun, dumb, and if you can live with it's flaws, a great gun. Personally, I own 2 of them myself and I cannot imagine ever selling them. |